Shipping Policy

Domestic (within India):

Product Status: “In-stock” :

Shipping: Shipped within 24-48 business hours of placing the order.
Delivery: Normal delivery timeline is within 3-5 business days from the date of dispatch.

Product Status: “Pre-order” :

Products marked under “Pre-order” status are not available for immediate shipping. Such products are shipped only after it comes in stock and follows the normal delivery timeline as mentioned above for “in-stock” products.

For knowing the estimated delivery time of “pre-order” status products kindly drop an inquiry mail on You may write to to know the expected dispatch and delivery time. 

Next day cutoff times:

Monday - Sunday:  7 pm IST

National Holidays: Closed (orders will be shipped on the next business day).

Important note: If your cart contains both “in stock” and “pre-order” status products, we recommend you to please order them separately as in such cases delivery timeline will be as per “pre-order” status products and the whole order will be shipped when it comes in stock.

The orders cannot be shipped to PO boxes or military addresses.

Rural addresses require two or more additional days to deliver.

We offer free shipping only on Orders above INR 299. 

For resolving any issue faced during shipping feel free to write to